A dark prominence can be seen crossing right underneath a coronal loop (Aug. 26 – 28, 2012). Prominences are long strands of cooler gases that float above the Sun's surface. The...
Gold Sun Loops
from $ 49.00
A dark prominence can be seen crossing right underneath a coronal loop (Aug. 26 – 28, 2012). Prominences are long strands of cooler gases that float above the Sun's surface. The...
from $ 49.00
Magnetic fields emerging from below the surface of the sun influence the solar wind—a stream of particles that blows continuously from the sun’s atmosphere through the solar sys...
from $ 69.00
A close-up of an active region shows how quickly huge spirals of loops can jut out from the Sun. The image, taken in extreme ultraviolet light, offers a clear view in profile of...
from $ 49.00
Twisting prominence. An image of a large, twirling prominence taken on Jan. 18, 2000. Prominences are huge clouds of relatively cool dense plasma suspended in the Sun's hot, thi...
from $ 49.00
Extreme Ultraviolet Imaging Telescope (EIT) image in resonance lines of eight and nine times ionized iron (Fe IX/X) at 171 Angstroms in the extreme ultraviolet showing the solar...
from $ 49.00
In June of 2013, something happened that won’t be happening again until the year 2117: Venus eclipsed the Sun. Of course, seeing as Venus is both small and far away from us, the...
from $ 49.00
This LASCO C2 image, taken 8 January 2002, shows a widely spreading coronal mass ejection (CME) as it blasts more than a billion tons of matter out into space at millions of kil...
from $ 49.00
This SDO (Solar Dynamics Observatory) image, captures the front edge of a expanding super-charged particle cloud heading out from the top left of our home star. These eruptions...
from $ 49.00
An SDO image captured on June 7, 2011, during which an eruption of solar material mushroomed up and fell down to what appeared to be nearly half the sun's surface. Whoa.
from $ 49.00
What's happened to our Sun? Nothing very unusual -- it just threw a filament. At the end of last month, a long standing solar filament suddenly erupted into space producing an e...
from $ 69.00
Imagine a pipe as wide as a state and as long as half the Earth. Now imagine that this pipe is filled with hot gas moving 50,000 kilometers per hour. Further imagine that this p...
from $ 54.00
Sunspot observed with the Swedish Solar Telescope (SST). This image shows the transition from the dark umbra (bottom) toward solar granulation (top). The penumbra in-between sho...
from $ 49.00
Sunspot observed with the Swedish Solar Telescope (SST). This image shows the transition from the dark umbra (bottom) toward solar granulation (top). The penumbra in-between sho...
from $ 49.00